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April 1, 2025 Spring Election Nomination Papers for Town of Lincoln Positions

Running for Local Office

All candidates must meet certain qualification requirements and must also complete and file proper ballot access documents with the Town Clerk in order to gain a spot on the ballot.  The forms are all available in hardcopy at the Lincoln Town Hall, digitally by request to the Town Clerk, and from the Wisconsin Elections Commission.

Ballot Access Procedure and Documents Required. All candidates must complete ballot access documents and return them to the Town Clerk by the deadline: no later than 5:00pm on the first Tuesday in January (January 7, 2025).

Declaration of Candidacy (EL-162):

Complete and submit a Declaration of Candidacy (EL-162) to the Clerk no later than 5:00pm on the first Tuesday in January (January 7, 2025). The filing of this form is also a requirement that must be met in order for a candidate’s name to be placed on the ballot. It must be signed in front of the Clerk or a Notary.

Nomination Papers for Nonpartisan Office (EL-169):

Circulate and submit Nomination Papers for Nonpartisan Office (EL-169) to the Clerk no later than 5:00pm on the first Tuesday in January (January 7, 2025).

  • Nomination papers may not be circulated before December 1. Any signatures obtained prior to December 1 will not be counted.

  • A nomination paper circulator must be a qualified elector of Wisconsin or, if not a resident of Wisconsin, a U.S. citizen, age 18 or older who would be eligible to vote in Wisconsin if he or she were a resident.

Campaign Registration Statement (CF-1)

Complete and submit a Campaign Registration Statement (CF-1) to the Clerk as soon as you decide to run for office no later than 5:00pm on the first Tuesday of January (January 7, 2025).